Programme Landscape, culture
Size 12000 m²
Location Cirebon, Indonesia
Client Province of West Java
Status Completed 2021 TeamExpand list
Alun-alun Kejaksan square
Alun-alun Kejaksan, a 1.2-hectare gathering square is located in the city of Cirebon in West Java next to the important At-Taqwa Mosque. Alun-alun in itself is a unique urban Indonesian typology of open-air plaza adjacent to a palace, a governmental center, a mosque, or a market. The materiality and geometry refer to local stepped gapura or candi bentar – or a split gateway– and pedestals made of raw bricks which can be seen at Keraton Kasepuhan – Sultan’s palace in Cirebon. These traditional elements are reinterpreted into planter topography, shelter and microlibrary in a transformative way where every element stems from the same material, language, and constructive logic.