Projektart Kultur
Größe 92 m²
Standort Bojonegoro, Indonesien
Auftraggeber Exxon mobile, Stadt Bojonegoro
Status Fertigstellung 2018 TeamListe anzeigen
Größe 92 m²
Standort Bojonegoro, Indonesien
Auftraggeber Exxon mobile, Stadt Bojonegoro
Status Fertigstellung 2018 TeamListe anzeigen
Microlibrary Selasar
Located in a park in the city center of Bojonegoro, East Jawa. The design is based on the existing typology of the Selasar, a covered walkway protecting from rain and sun. The Selasar as buffer and seating zone is wrapped around a tree enclosing the actual library. The facade sliding doors are made from metal frames with folded "spandoek" textile strips filtering the sunlight.
Located in a park in the city center of Bojonegoro, East Jawa. The design is based on the existing typology of the Selasar, a covered walkway protecting from rain and sun. The Selasar as buffer and seating zone is wrapped around a tree enclosing the actual library. The facade sliding doors are made from metal frames with folded "spandoek" textile strips filtering the sunlight.