Projektart Kultur
Größe 120 m²
Standort Bandung, Indonesien
Auftraggeber Manila water, Stadt Bandung
Status Fertigestellt 2019 TeamListe anzeigen
Größe 120 m²
Standort Bandung, Indonesien
Auftraggeber Manila water, Stadt Bandung
Status Fertigestellt 2019 TeamListe anzeigen
Microlibrary – Hanging Gardens
is located at Babakan Sari, Kiaracondong in Bandung at a small square, flanked by a school, district office and clinic. This design is a further development of the Helicoid Microlibrary. The stepping up planted stairs offer apart from being a neighborhood library several facilities for the local community, ranging from gardens & urban farming, to playground and finally an elevated lookout over the small square
is located at Babakan Sari, Kiaracondong in Bandung at a small square, flanked by a school, district office and clinic. This design is a further development of the Helicoid Microlibrary. The stepping up planted stairs offer apart from being a neighborhood library several facilities for the local community, ranging from gardens & urban farming, to playground and finally an elevated lookout over the small square